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Examples Simulation Datasets@

Example 1@

Download Example Dataset


This simulation dataset contains files required to perform an irradiation simulation. The downloaded zip file contains two directories data and run1

Contents of directory: data@

  • This directory has a list of cascade files. These files consists of cascades created by primary-knock-on Atoms (PKAs) with damage energies (EMD) ranging from 10 - 200 keV in bulk tungsten at 1025 K.
    • EMD ranging from 10-200 keV correspond approximately EPKA ranging from 12.4 - 286.1 keV
    • The number of cascades of a particular EMD corresponds to the PKA spectrum of 14 MeV neutron [See Fig. 2]
  • Also contains the reaction event DB (kmc.Wreactions) and the capture radius database for defects without the analytical form (kmc.Wcapture_radius not required to run the simulation set)
  • Furthermore, there are also files that contain the simulation starting point (i.e., at t = 0).
  • → Defect free simulation cell as such the number of defects is equal to zero
    • Zero defects or an empty simulation cell corresponds to crystalline material
  • test_{ of traps}.in → Simulation cell with impurities (or traps)
    • In this file, a trap is considered as a defect of type 2
    • Then, trap+vacancy and trap+SIA complexes are considered as defects of type 3 and type 4, respectively.
    • That is, there is a total for five defect types (3 primary defect types and 2 derived defect types)

There may be other files , but can be ignored for using this particular simulation dataset

Contents of directory: run1@

This directory contains three files kmc.Wdatabase_reduced_D0 kmc.input and rcap_test_file

  • kmc.Wdatabase_reduced_D0 → it is an activated event database
  • kmc.input → It is input script file
  • rcap_test_file → It is capture radius database with analytical forms

CMDOUT (Commandline Output)@


  • KSOME uses ANSI escape codes to shown the command-line output in color
  • One can copy-paste the output into a word file to save the output in color
  • If the command-line output is saved to a file using the > operator, then the output text is saved along with ANSI codes.
  • One can use more <filename> on Linux and more -R <filename> on Mac to display the file in color
  • One can use the python tool ansi2html to convert the output saved in a file to a Html file
Started Computation at Tue Sep 15 16:49:54 2020

This is KSOME Version 20.8.0 Updated: March 17, 2020 Time 14:45 (24H)
This execuable is compiled on Jun  3 2020 at 16:04:24
Compiler Version 8.4.0

----------------INPUT VARIABLES REQUIRED FOR SIMULATIONS-------------------------------

Temperature = 1025K  Max. Diffuion Steps = 1 × 10+18,  End Simulation Time = 100 Seconds 
 Max. Wall Clock Time = 3600 Seconds 

Initial Defect Data = ../data/
Defect Diffusion DB = kmc.Wdatabase_reduced_D0
Defect Interaction DB = ../data/kmc.Wreactions
Defect Interaction Radii DB = ../data/kmc.Wcapture_radius
Reaction Radius Math Functions DB = rcap_test_file

Boundary Conditions = FFF, Lattice = BCC, Lattice Constant = 3.15 Å, Num. of Defect Types = 5
Max. Sizes of Actv, Clstrs.  V(0)-200,SIA(1)-20000,T(2)-0,T+V(3)-0,T+I(4)-0,
Size Based Rate Scaling of Defects OFF, 0
Emission Radius = 2
Random Number Gen. Seed = 305
Max. Num. of Recursive Reaction Iterations Allowd = 200
Reaction Event Search Cutoff Radius (Lattice Units) = 40

Simulating Irradiation Damage 
Cascade Production Rate = 23.81
Num. of Cascades Used = 2138
Cascade Filename Start with  = ../data/cascade-
Cascade Rotation =  OFF 
List Size = 100

Cell Sizes (XYZ) 40 38 38, Grain Size  = 31500

----------------OUTPUT OF SIMULATIONS-------------------------------

Num. of Data Point Saved = 100
Densities Vs Time = clst_densities_Vs_time
Snap Shots Saved to = snap_shot, Num. Snap Shots = 100
Info of Individual Clust. sizes Collctd Upto Size 19
For Larger Sizes, added to Size 20
Num. of Reaction Events Vs Time = reaction_pcount_Vs_time
Size Distribution Vs Time = type_size_Vs_time
Bndry. Crossing Vs Time = bcrossings_Vs_time
For Each Defect Type, Bndry. Crossing - Size Vs Time = bcrossings_sze_Vs_time

---------------++++++++++++++++++ FINISHED PARSING INPUT SCRIPT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------

Number of Defects in the Initial Cascade = 0
Initial Defect Vector Capacity = 0
Simulation Cell Size: 600 × 608 × 612
Finished Reading --> Initial Cascade
Number of configurations in the database 775
Finished Reading --> Diffusion DB
Total reaction events in the database = 35
Finished Reading --> Reaction DB
  0   -   c  1  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 1     2      1  SIA   3    a                           
  1   -   c  1  1   1      V      V                                                 1     2      1    V   3    a                           
  2   -   c  1  1   1      T      T                                                 1     3      1    T   3    a   4    a                  
  3   -   c  1  1   1      T    SIA                                                 1     4      1  T+I   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  4   -   c  1  1   1    T+I    SIA                                                 1     4      1  T+I   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  5   -   c  1  1   1    T+I      T                                                 1     4      1  T+I   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  6   -   c  1  1   1    T+I    T+I                                                 1     4      1  T+I   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  7   -   c  1  1   1    T+V      T                                                 1     4      1  T+V   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  8   -   c  1  1   1      V      T                                                 1     4      1  T+V   3    a   4    a   5    0         
  9   -   c  1  1   1      V    T+V                                                 1     4      1  T+V   3    a   4    a   5    0         
 10   -   c  1  1   1    T+V    T+V                                                 1     4      1  T+V   3    a   4    a   5    0         
 11   -   c  1  2   1    SIA      V       3   c   e                                  1     1      1    V                                    
 12   -   c  1  2   1    SIA      V       3   c   g                                  1     2      1  SIA   3    s                           
 13   -   c  1  2   1    SIA      V       3   c   l                                  1     2      1    V   3    s                           
 14   -   c  1  2   1    SIA    T+V       3   c   e                                  1     4      1    T   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 15   -   c  1  2   1    SIA    T+V       3   c   g                                  1     4      1  T+I   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 16   -   c  1  2   1    SIA    T+V       3   c   l                                  1     4      1  T+V   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 17   -   c  1  2   1    T+V    T+I       3   c   e                                  1     4      1    T   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 18   -   c  1  2   1    T+V    T+I       3   c   g                                  1     4      1  T+V   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 19   -   c  1  2   1    T+V    T+I       3   c   l                                  1     4      1  T+I   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 20   -   c  1  2   1      V    T+I       3   c   e                                  1     4      1    T   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 21   -   c  1  2   1      V    T+I       3   c   g                                  1     4      1  T+V   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 22   -   c  1  2   1      V    T+I       3   c   l                                  1     4      1  T+I   3    s   4    a   5    0         
 23   -   t  1  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 1     2      1  SIA   5    1                           
 24   -   t  2  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 1     2      1  SIA   5    2                           
 25   -   t  3  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 1     2      1  SIA   5    3                           
 26   -   t  4  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 1     2      1  SIA   5    4                           
 27   -   e  1  1   1    SIA    SIA                                                 2     1      1  SIA                                         3      1  SIA   3    1   5  1R4                  
 28   -   e  1  1   1      V      V                                                 2     1      1    V                                         2      1    V   3    1                           
 29   -   e  1  1   1      T      T                                                 2     1      1    T                                         2      1    T   4    1                           
 30   -   e  1  3   1    T+V    T+V       3   1   1       4   1   1       2     1      1    V                                         2      1    T   4    1                           
 31   -   e  1  1   1    T+V    T+V                                                 2     1      1  T+V                                         2      1    T   4    1                           
 32   -   e  2  2   1    T+V    T+V       2   2   2                          2     1      1    T                                         2      1    V   3    1                           
 33   -   e  1  3   1    T+I    T+I       3   1   1       4   1   1       2     1      1  T+V                                         2      1    T   4    1                           
 34   -   e  2  2   1    T+I    T+I       2   2   2                           2     1      1    T                                        3      1  SIA   3    1   5  1R4                  
maximum capture radius in the db = 6.31
max_clstr_size in the capture radius database 0
Finished Reading --> Capture Radius DB
Finished Reading --> Capture Radii Functions
0 1 1 0 1 2    2 2 pi 3.14159 sz 1    2 sqrt(3)/2.0+(((3/pi)^(1/3))*((x-sz)^(1/3))) x
1 1 1 1 1 2    2 2 pi 3.14159 sz 1    2 1.15*sqrt(3)/2.0+1.15*(((3/pi)^(1/3))*((x-sz)^(1/3))) x
2 1 1 2 1 4    2 2 pi 3.14159 sz 1    2 2+pow(0.6/pi,1.0/3.0)*((x^(1.0/3.0))-1) x
3 1 1 3 1 3    2 2 pi 3.14159 sz 1    2 (sqrt(3)/2.0)+((3/pi)^(1/3))*((x^(1/3))-1) x
4 1 1 4 1 2    2 2 pi 3.14159 sz 1    2 1.15*(sqrt(3)/2.0+(((3/pi)^(1/3))*((x-sz)^(1/3)))) x
Number of Combination of Defects  = 5
Total boxes = 4080
number of leaves of  binary tree = 16385
maximum number of processes allowed is changed to 16
tmp1 = 16385 and tmp2 = 900
End of setting sizes and initializing variables and matrices  
Finished updating rate tables and defect neighborhoods  
Total rate of active defect clusters  = 0
Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_0
ndiffuse = 0 nemit = 0 ndeposit = 0 ntransform = 0 ncreate = 0 total events = 0 Total Defects  = 0
 sim time = 0 nrecombinations = 0
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 0 SIA = 0 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
Reading New Cascade From: ../data/cascade-519
Total Defects count  = 51 Number of New Defects added = 51 Defect Vector Capacity = 151
sim_time = 0 ndeposit = 1

ndiffuse = 61738281 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 62008302 Total Defects  = 13
 sim time = 0.0001000000115 nrecombinations = 48
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 12 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

ndiffuse = 81845533 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 82115554 Total Defects  = 13
 sim time = 0.00020000000216 nrecombinations = 48
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 12 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_1
ndiffuse = 102803838 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 103073859 Total Defects  = 12
 sim time = 0.00030000000736 nrecombinations = 49
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 11 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_2
ndiffuse = 124152067 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 124422088 Total Defects  = 12
 sim time = 0.00040000000406 nrecombinations = 49
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 11 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_3
ndiffuse = 145494995 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 145765016 Total Defects  = 12
 sim time = 0.00050000000591 nrecombinations = 49
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 11 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_4
ndiffuse = 166848543 nemit = 14 ndeposit = 1 ntransform = 270006 ncreate = 0 total events = 167118564 Total Defects  = 12
 sim time = 0.00060000000039 nrecombinations = 49
Boundary crossings:  V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) SIA = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+V = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) T+I = x(0 0) y(0 0) z(0 0) 
Number of defects:  V = 11 SIA = 1 T = 0 T+V = 0 T+I = 0
MaxRSS Usage: 16 MB,  

Saving a Snap Shot to file = snap_shot_5

This page was last updated on Sep 22, 2020, 12:56 PM (PST)
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