Extd Defect DBᴼ
- This is an
Hardwired Aspects@
- For simplicity all extended defects are considered to be regular geometric objects.
- For the time-being, surface and line were the only geometric objects tested so far.
- A line and surface are described by equation \(A_xx+A_yy+A_zz+D = 0\). Hence, are describe by 4D coordinates \((A_x, A_y, A_z, D)\).
- If the extended defects are always considered as sinks. Hence, point defects captured by them are removed from the simulation.
- Distance of a point defect from an extended defect is treated as an additional parameter, apart for it is regular parameters.
- If there are more than one extended defects, distances from them are assigned to different parameters.
- Shortest distance of a point defect from an extended object is calculated as described in here
DB Format@
Test Extended Defect File
0 6 surface 0 0 1 0 i
→ Any thing above thehash
symbol is considered as comments.0
→Parameter ID
of the defect to which the distanced is assigned aparameter value
→ Type of extended defect0 0 1 0
→ 4D coordinates, which are coefficients and constant in the equation \((A_xx+A_yy+A_zz+D = 0)\)i
(for future extensions)